About My Research

This site serves as a reflection of my graduate thesis work in automotive textile design at North Carolina State University.  I began this site in January 2009 and plan to maintain it until my graduation in December 2009.  I have been in the graduate program at the College of Textiles for 1 year of a 2 year program.  During this first year, I have focused on the automotive industry, design, and sustainability.  Now at the half-way point, I have selected my thesis topic and made plans as to how to approach my research so that my work is complete by October 2009.  In the right column of this blog, I have posted my personal timeline to ensure that I am meeting my deadlines.  Please take time to look through all the information included in the right hand column, especially if this is your first time visiting this site.

The purpose of this site is 3-fold.
1) Most scholars are only given 1 chance to write a thesis, and 2 years to learn how to do so.  Sure there are books on research methods and databases of theses to form a background or starting place for your work, but no one really explains to us exactly what this process is like from start to finish.
2) Over the past year, I have learned beyond my expectations about the automotive industry, past, current, and future.  Throughout my next year of study, I have access to resources that would be coveted by any designer in this industry and plan to uncover valuable correlations between design and success.  I will post many images and articles which I find the most enriching.
and 3) Writing my thoughts and progress where it is publicly available will encourage me to meet deadlines and provide a clear platform to keep my committee informed.

My Topic
I will be examining the history of automotive bodycloth development and aligning this with outside factors such as the economy, increase in mass production, increase in technical standards and regulations, the importance of fashion and color, along with what at this time is an unpredictable number of additional variables.  The ultimate question I aim to answer is if there is a concrete way to measure and predict success in order to save time, money, and resources.


Publication in fibreQUARTERLY

My new friend Joe Lewis, who I met at the Inspired Design Jacquard Weaving Conference in January, has released his newest issue of fibreQUARTERLY on the Velvet Highway.  This is an online publication, which I have mentioned before, that aims to "Explore Canadian Textile and Fibre Arts and Craft History, yesterday, today and tomorrow, if it's spun, woven, printed or just quickly stitched up, we try to give it a voice"- Joe.  

This issue focuses on the art and artist featured at the Conference.  I had the honor of submitting a review of the Conference, and Joe included images of 2 of my woven works.  Please check out my write up as well as the rest of the issue.  It is truly inspiring!


I'm still here!

I've had a few of you asking where I've been...
well...I've been making progress!

Slowly (very slowly), but surely.

So here's a quick update:

Making Connections
Most of last week was spent organizing our contact list and beginning to make connections.  First on our list were members of the Color Marketing Group.  Nancy is a member of this organization which "provides a forum for the exchange of non-competitive information relating to all phases of color marketing: color trends; and combinations; design influences; merchandising and sales; and education and industry contacts".  As a member benefit she has access to the contact information of all other members.  While most are personal connections of Nancy's, we also reached out to others that we thought would be able to provide insight into my research.  Those that I have connected with already have been some of the most informative and kind people I have ever spoken with.  They have helped guide me in the right direction (a new direction) and have helped to make sure I have access to all the information that they know is available.

I have also connected with a California contact and reconnected with Stephanie Rodgers in Michigan, who are both helping me extend my network and interview options.

I have also reached out to one of Nancy's contacts at Unifi, a North Carolina based yarn manufacturer who supplies every industry from hosiery to automotive.  I plan to visit the Unifi office in Greensboro and one of the manufacturing facilities in Reidsville next week.

Changing Directions
So I did it.  I did what every graduate student does.  I have changed my focus mid-way.  Okay, that might not quite be fair...how about I have narrowed my focus (much better).  I tend to overdue it, and what I once thought was a small task, I have now realized was not reasonable expectations within my time frame.  
So what's the difference?
Now I am focusing on Color, Motif, and Motif Scale.
This decision has eliminated structure and materials.  We hoped that De Leo and Detroit Body Products (the producers of the automotive trim books...my primary source) had maintained a database with all the information the books didn't list, such as materials, and structure, and the supplier information.  They, however, informed us they do not.  After sitting down with Helen Scott, a former designer for Guilford Mills, we realized that the only way for even the most experienced fabric designer to tell exactly how an automotive fabric is constructed (when you can't remove it from the books) is if they designed it themselves.  
It was time to move on.

The solution was obvious.  I need to analyze what I can see.  I can see color and pattern.  After running my idea past Nazire (a VERY helpful doctoral student of Nancy's), and Stephanie, I knew I had something good.  The only thing I didn't know was why I hadn't thought of this sooner!  I Love Color!  I am certain that I am now on the path to success!

Now What?
I have spent this past week creating an analysis system for Motif and Motif Scale.  
Motif is divided into the following 14 categories: Solid, Solid Basket, Solid Twill, Solid Knit, Plaid, 2 Color Basket, 2 Color Twill, Lines/Ridges/Stripes, Geometrics, Honeycombs, Florals/Organics, Mesh, Textural, and Dots.
Motif Scale is divided into the following 5 categories: None (Solid), Small (<1.5cm),>5cm), and Multi-Color.
I have successfully analyzed 4 years according to this system at about 1 hour per year.  That makes my total analysis time about 60 hours, which I hope to accomplish in 1 1/2 weeks.

Once I have completely analyzed for Motif and Motif Scale, I will then create a system to analyze color.  I hope that our contact at Unifi will have some insight into this process.  Our current plan is to analyze color based on the vinyls for each company in order to get a general feel of the color trends by year.

I guess its back to work!  Please feel free to email me again if you catch me slacking on my posts :)



Downtown Raleigh just keeps getting better and better!  I LOVE promoting it!

This weekend the City of Raleigh Art's Commission is hosting the annual art's festival known as Artsplosure!  Artsplosure's mission is to produce high quality annual festivals that celebrate excellence in the performing and visual arts; to promote and bring recognition to national, regional, and local artists; and to bring artists and the larger community together to improve the quality of life and cultural environment. 

Artsplosure was created in 1978 and realized with its first festival in 1980.  Today and tomorrow artists' booths are arranged around the park as well as local food vendors and live music and entertainment.  Here are some of the highlights of what NOT to MISS:

7:00-noon Dixieland Jazz @ Big Ed's in City Market
2:00-3:00 Eve Cornelious & Chip Crawford, Jazz
4:00-5:00 Kellylee Evans, Jazzy Soul
6:00-7:00 Lonnie Walker, Rootsy Americana & Dance Party Punk (NC Locals)
8:00-10:00 Buckwheat Zydeco, Rocking Jazz & Blues!

Aerial Angels acrobatic show 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00

1:00-2:00 The Johnny Folsom Four, Johnny Cash Tribute
3:00-4:00 Funkuponya, Jazz Funk
5:00-6:00 Jonathan Scales, Steel Drums
7:00-8:00 Mel Melton & the Wicket Mojos, Bayou Jazz

Aerial Angels acrobatic show 12:00, 4:00

Art, Art, everywhere Art! Be sure to check out all the local galleries..most are only open until about 5:00
Sand Art
Art-On-The-Move winners displayed, Saturday 11:00-noon
Marbles Exhibitions
Triangle Restaurant Week (last days) Saturday and Sunday: 
Winesplosure: Wine Tasting at Metro Cafe

Check out the Event's Website: www.artsplosure.org


Committee Meeting 4

Its 3 a.m. and I am WIDE awake...so what is better than to update my blog?  I'm sure the reason I am awake at such an unruly hour is because my head is swimming with new and old information regarding my research.  I have some pretty big decisions to make, and very little time to make them. 

1. New Meeting Date
One of the biggest things that became obvious from the meeting Tuesday, is that by mid-summer, we're all sure I will be in desperate need of another committee meeting.  Originally, our next meeting wasn't scheduled until July 28th.  Part of the reason for this is because Nancy summers in England with her husband .  The other part is because I see the summer as a chance to really accomplish something, with as few "distractions" as possible.  What was I thinking?  My committee is not a distraction!...they are truly there to help me to the best of my ability.  They are not just a sounding board for ideas, or a group who's only purpose is to sign a piece of paper to ensure I graduate.  I think this may be the #1 mistake most graduate students make.  The truth is, they are a... group of individuals, genuinely interested in my success.  They are in total support of not only my research, but also my future.  If I allow myself to ask for help, this whole process will prove much more fruitful.

Key Tip #6: Your committee is your most valuable asset.

Our next date is now scheduled for June 22 (with Nancy via skype).  By this point my goals are to complete the preliminary literature review and the swatch analysis

2. Predicted Factors
One point that developed from our discussion was that in order to tackle such an immense body of data effectively, I must have a prediction of the trends I expect to see, and the factors that led to these trends.  This brought me back to my original plan of attack (from December).  It was at this time that I had planned to learn about the contributing factors first, and then analyze their effects based on the story of the samples.  We realized that if I approached it this way, there would be no concrete stopping point.  To combat this, we decided to approach from the other end, and I also developed Hypotheses as follows:

Hypotheses 1-4 were developed in relation to Research Objective 4:
1. Consumers influence automotive upholstery trends.
2. Suppliers influence automotive upholstery trends.
3. OEMs influence automotive upholstery trends.
4. Global Factors influence automotive upholstery trends.
Hypothesis 5 was developed in relation to Research Objective 5:
5. The decision makers in automotive upholstery are a cyclic struggle between design, engineering, and purchasing.  Trends in automotive upholstery have developed based on who holds the decision-making power.  (See image below)
The Factors I predict discovering in the post-analysis literature review are also included below.  It is important to note that I am not limiting myself to only these, and perhaps the list will even be shorter after the analysis, but this list gives me an idea of what I can expect to find.

3. Method of Visual Analysis
I will begin with a univariate analysis of materials, structures, colors, and patterns.  Below is a very rough example with made-up color data.  At the bottom of each graph, I will align the influencing factors in order to see what effect they may have had on the fabrics over time.  This is my very general proposed method of analysis as of today, just to present a visual model to the committee.  Please keep in mind, part of my preliminary literature review involves understanding how previously published research focusing on trend cycles organized the data.  I hope that a better system will develop from this information.

4.  Years Covered by the Analysis
Now this is the big one!
A) Original Plan: Cover major events in the past 100 years that influenced upholstery development.  Look for changes in the fabrics that reflected these events.
B) Updated Plan: Analyze 50 years of fabrics first to identify trends in Materials, Structure, and Design, and then determine what factors influenced these trends.
C) Proposed Plan: Analyze fabrics from the past 10 years and identify the influencing factors in order to design successfully in the future.

This is where I could certainly use your feedback!
It is quite the delimna for me, and needs to be decided very quickly.  I understand that C is more relevant, will be more interesting for those I'm interviewing, and that they will be able to answer more precise questions (since many of them designed the majority of these fabrics), and all of this will make collecting accurate data much easier.  Also, if I go with C, my analysis and factor exploration can be much more detailed.

Plan B is the big picture.  I understand that it will not be possible to reach the level of detail that is possible with C, due to the volume of data.  However, its the big historical events and cycles that interest me the most.  I've been viewing this research as a historical analysis from the beginning, and feel that analyzing 10 years instead of 50 makes a huge difference in my goals.

I'll will graciously accept all comments and votes for these options!  I have a feeling that those of you who have been through this process are going to shout out "C", but for the optimists (meaning anyone who has never written a 200-page research paper, including myself) 'B' just seems more interesting...am I right?

My Next Moves:
Even without making this crucial decision, there is much to be done!

This week I have tried to contact every known source that might possess a list of the top selling vehicles including Automotive News, Car and Driver, MotorTrend, Forbes, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the DoT Bureau of Transportation Services, Detroit News, and of course Ward's Automotive.  I left messages at as many people as I could contact at the first 4, the government associations both referred me to Ward's, and the Detroit News information library laughed at me and wished me good luck! :)  I finally got a call back from Ward's.  They have this data beginning in 1980 (still not 1955, but it gets me 16 years closer than before!).  We have been playing phone tag, but it sounds like they will be glad to let me purchase this data (joy...more $).  Hearing from them has also allowed me to conclude that if they do not have a list prior to 1980, no one does (besides calling all companies individually).  This means I need a new plan of attack for selecting vehicles between 1955-1979 (1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, 4?).

I have also met with Zoe Starling and Mary Hauser, curators at the NC State Gregg Museum.  I contacted them with hopes of learning more about maintaining archives, and for advice on developing a consistent system for recording my analysis data.  They referred me to the museum at FIT, which maintains a swatch collection, and to www.DocuSwatch.com. (This is certainly not a sophisticated site, but the contact information is available, and they might prove to be a valuable research).  
We also spoke quite a bit about the TIMMIE collection.  This collection consists of late 19th to mid 20th century American textile history.  Timmie Corporation of Wilmington, NC produced home furnishings and automotive textiles in its mills from 1952-1983.  In the collection are swatches of fabrics and the original specs used to communicate between the customer and supplier.  Unfortunately Nancy and I are perhaps the only ones outside of the Museum staff who have spent any time with this collection, and it is hidden away in drawers without any clear organization system (which would be a huge undertaking!).  This collection actually sparked my research topic, but once we decided to focus on fabrics after 1955, we also decided to stick with the De Leo and Detroit books.  Viewing pieces of this collection today, did, however, reveal the opportunity to use some of the notes written on each swatch regarding customer demand and pricing in the factor stage of the post-analysis literature review.

The final goal for this weekend is to conduct a full analysis of 2004, 2005, and 2006.  For each year, I will prepare the vehicle data cards and analyze the fabrics by materials, structure, and design.  This information will be recorded in a database and hopefully set the format for the rest of my study.

Wow...its amazing how much you can write when you just can't stop thinking at 4 a.m.!


Research Update

Below are some of my main slides for my Marketing Research class's final research proposal.  If you have having difficulty reading any of the slides, click on the image for a larger view.  As always, feel free to contact me with feedback or questions: www.AutoTexDesign@gmail.com.


Marketing Fail

If you haven't seen this yet...I thought you might all find it amusing!


New Email Address!


Hey everyone!
I just wanted to share my new email address with you.  I want to thank everyone who has been reading my blog and sending me questions.  I hope that my responses have been helpful and informative!  This has been a great opportunity for worldly networking as I have made contacts from Egypt, Iran, Japan, Canada, and all over the US.  I track my visitors to this site with Google Analytics and get an average of 9 views a day and have had almost 1,000 unique visitors from 70 different countries!  

Moral of the Story- get out there blogging!  Its amazing who you'll meet with similar interests!
And as always...please feel free to email me with ANY questions about textiles, design, automotive interiors and upholstery, graduate school, writing a thesis....
