About My Research

This site serves as a reflection of my graduate thesis work in automotive textile design at North Carolina State University.  I began this site in January 2009 and plan to maintain it until my graduation in December 2009.  I have been in the graduate program at the College of Textiles for 1 year of a 2 year program.  During this first year, I have focused on the automotive industry, design, and sustainability.  Now at the half-way point, I have selected my thesis topic and made plans as to how to approach my research so that my work is complete by October 2009.  In the right column of this blog, I have posted my personal timeline to ensure that I am meeting my deadlines.  Please take time to look through all the information included in the right hand column, especially if this is your first time visiting this site.

The purpose of this site is 3-fold.
1) Most scholars are only given 1 chance to write a thesis, and 2 years to learn how to do so.  Sure there are books on research methods and databases of theses to form a background or starting place for your work, but no one really explains to us exactly what this process is like from start to finish.
2) Over the past year, I have learned beyond my expectations about the automotive industry, past, current, and future.  Throughout my next year of study, I have access to resources that would be coveted by any designer in this industry and plan to uncover valuable correlations between design and success.  I will post many images and articles which I find the most enriching.
and 3) Writing my thoughts and progress where it is publicly available will encourage me to meet deadlines and provide a clear platform to keep my committee informed.

My Topic
I will be examining the history of automotive bodycloth development and aligning this with outside factors such as the economy, increase in mass production, increase in technical standards and regulations, the importance of fashion and color, along with what at this time is an unpredictable number of additional variables.  The ultimate question I aim to answer is if there is a concrete way to measure and predict success in order to save time, money, and resources.


College of Textiles Bookmark Competition

Please post your feedback.

Which is your favorite?
What adjustments would you prefer?


  1. My preference is one of the bottom 4 because it has both the CoT logo and the paw. As well, I like the 2009 in the paw in white. As far as the background choice between those two, I am indifferent between the white and grey backgrounds.

  2. Hey Jenna, these are fun. I like the paw print, and my favorite ones are the vertical one on the right, and the first and fourth ones (going up from the bottom). They look great, but I wonder if they would look better if the harsh white wasn’t on the ends (of the lower horizontal group). Did you try it with the pattern fading and the words in white, or maybe just with the words in white?

  3. I like the 4th one from the bottom. I would like to see what it looks like with a white 2009 in the paw. - B

  4. You know what? Actually 2nd from the bottom the way it is. It flows well throughout and its not too busy anywhere. - B

  5. hey I like the how the second from the bottom has NC state University in the red bar. I definitely like the paw on the left, and don't know if I like the 2009 in the paw as much when you have the white background, but works on the grey background. The only thing is is that it doesn't read quite as well as the second from the bottom just because it's so much smaller. Maybe try that one but with the grey background. The white background is too much contrast and it kinda trips me out haha, and the paw almost gets lost. But that's just something to think about... There all freakin badass! haha. hope this helps. Good luck Jenna
    -Will Pate

  6. I like the top right one that is going vertically

  7. Jenna, I really like what you did with the designs. My favorite is the first one from the bottom and the 4th. I agree in the 4th from the bottom the 2009 in white may be better to balance all of the white at the end. Also, I am adding to the comment about the harshness of the white at the end of the bookmarks at the bottom. I think this person makes a really good observation, maybe try creating a "C" shape or something like, but not quite like the nike swoop with the arc of the "c" creating a space for "y" in university (does that make sense?), because all of the other design elements are curvalinear so this can soften the edge a bit. I don't know if that will work, but you can try it to see if it balances out a little better.


  8. Thanks for all the comments! Swapping elements is no problem..so some of that feedback is perfect!
    I'll try to work with that white edge on the bottom 4. I started with a fade, but have a 4 color limit...so I needed to simplify :( I'll see what other ways I can make this "less harsh". If I make any major changes...I'll be sure to add!

    THANKS...keep them coming :)

  9. I like the fourth one from the bottoms design, as well as the one on the bottom... however the layout of the two on top, being vertical, seems to be my favorite. but overall with what there is, the best looking one is the fourth one from the bottom

  10. The very last one! Besides combining NCSU + Textiles, it looks very modern, like performance textiles.

  11. I like top right - I think the wolf paw has to stay no matter what... it's just good branding in Wolfpack land. I don't know how the "spiderweb" print will resonate... but how about carbon fiber?

    Great job as always!!

  12. I like the second vertical one the best...

  13. hey jenna, it's river! I'm actually heading your way on Tuesday to have a tour of the program. I'm really excited. I like bookmark you posted: 2nd from the bottom. The woven effect, the year, paw, NCState and college of textile details are all important, and work really well together in this set up. Good Luck!-riv
